Our trucks were always GREEN
Trans-Frt McNamara understands that we have a large responsibility to our customers and society as a whole when it comes to delivering environmentally conscious transportation solutions. We have focused to become an industry leader in reducing the amount of Greenhouse Gas we emit into the atmosphere for every mile we travel. We have achieved this by:

New Fleet
Average age of our power fleet is only 2 years; we are constantly replacing older equipment with newer, innovative low emissions vehicles.
Speed Governors
All vehicles are equipped with speed governors to optimize fuel consumption
Idling Reduction
In addition to an idling policy in place limiting idling time and automatic shut-offs in place to eliminate unnecessary idling, alternative power units are used to maintain cab temperature and to recharge batteries.
Monitoring and Training
Truck engine operation and road management skills are monitored and analyzed. Re-training steps are taken as required.
Recycling and Waste Management
We recycle used oil, tires and any used metal parts removed from our equipment are collected for recycling.
SmartWay Transport Partner
SmartWay Transport is an innovative collaboration between the EPA and the freight sector designed to improve energy efficiency, improve energy security and reduce greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions. Trans-Frt McNamara is a SmartWay Transport Partner in good standing, and we employ Certified SmartWayTM tractors and trailers.
These special trailers are outfitted at point of sale with equipment that significantly reduces fuel use and emissions.